
We are a Premier Transactional Legal Service Provider
Our "specialized niche" services are offered throughout the United States and Internationally, at your location or remotely.  

Silver Star Associates, LLC specializes exclusively in traditional Routine, Administrative, and Ministerial Transactional Legal Services.
We serve public and private companies, government, startups, sole proprietors, entrepreneurs, nonprofits, and private individuals.

Silver Star Associates, LLC is not your typical law firm that promised to be everything to everyone.

Did you know there are approximately 100 major law practice areas and legal subject matters? When a law firm tells you that they can do it all, it should not only raise an eyebrow, but be motivation to consider other options.

Silver Star Associates, LLC only offers ONE area of legal services: Transactional Law. The beautiful aspect of Transactional Law is that it is Routine, Administrative and Ministerial in nature. It is not subjective as rendering legal advice, whereas if you ask 100 different legal professionals, you will get 100 different opinions or interpretations. In Transactional Law; it’s either right or wrong without any gray area. Examples of Transactional law would be preparing legal contracts, agreements or documents, notarizing of documents, preparing government applications, administering an oath for a Jurat, etc. 

Benefits of having Silver Star Associates, LLC handle your Transactional Legal matters is you have professionals that specialize in only one area of the legal arena, perform extraordinary, and without the extra cost frills and learning curve.

* Not all services available to private individuals. (Please inquire)
Think of us as trusted advisors and members of YOUR team.
*  Silver Star Associates, LLC does NOT provide legal advice or direction to private individuals.
 ** Contact a licensed private practice attorney in your jurisdiction for independent legal matters.